Administration Guide

Administration Guide


The App provides a new custom field type for Jira which enables users to create a custom table with lots of features. This user-defined field allows the user to display and manage issue types based on the options selected.  In the following example you can see a table containing different issues for a project of a finance department. This is extremely useful for users because it gives an overview of all issues, the status of issues, who is assigned to them and much more.

With this example of how such a table could look, you can see that IssueGrid feels like an Excel table within Jira.  We will now proceed to look at the installation and further features of IssueGrid.


  1. Log in to your Jira instance as an administrator.

  2. Select the user icon.

  3. From the dropdown menu which appears, choose Atlassian Marketplace.
     The Find new apps screen will be displayed.

  4. Use the search function to locate IssueGrid. The correct app version will be shown in the search results.

  5. Click on Install to download and install IssueGrid.

Creating a custom field

  • Select Custom fields in the administration area and continue by clicking on 'Add custom field'.

  • Search for IssueGrid in the Advanced fields.

  • IssueGrid gives you the option of a custom field

  • Select one of the options and click on 'Next'.

  • Name your IssueGrid custom field and provide a description, if required.

  • Select a screen in which you want the IssueGrid field to appear.
    It is important that you also configure the field, otherwise the field will not be shown.

Configuring a IssueGrid field

The admin has to configure the newly created IssueGrid field and define a context for it.

Select "Configure" at 'Custom fields' settings 

Scheme for IssueGrid

By using the following steps you can add an IssueGrid Context Configuration. 

  • Click "Add new context" or configure the default configuration.

  • Define a scheme name. Please use IssueGrid Context Configuration to narrow the Issue Types, otherwise you will be limited to one configuration for one project.

  • Fill out the required fields.

Fields are explained in detail further below.

Best Practice

Create a new configuration scheme for each project and narrow it down further by specifying Issuetypes using IssueGrid Context Configuration.

Step by step - IssueGrid Context Configuration 

Edit Context Configuration

  • Hover over your saved configuration in order to edit it

Edit Scheme Context

  • Scheme Name - Provide your context with a unique name

  • Scheme Description - Optionally add a description

  • Context Issue Type - Select Issue Types in which this field will be shown

Define Table Content

JQL Filter - Table content will be generated from the defined filter. Only Issues matching the JQL filter will be shown.
Pick a Field - Add fields which should be displayed in the table
Number of Issues - Limit the number of Issues displayed per page
Enable Paging - If the issues exceed the above limitation, the table will have multiple pages

Further Table Functionalities

  • Calculate - Numbers will be added up and displayed

  • Force Two Decimal Places- Numbers are rounded up to two decimal places

  • Use as Reference - Editing the field will be prohibited

  • Group by - Issues will be grouped by a selected field

  • Freeze Until - Column until selected field will always be displayed

  • Right Align - Align text to the right

  • Sum All - Only available if paging is active. All pages will be considered for the calculation

  • Freeze Table Header - Header will always be displayed

  • Make table scrollable - Table will be scrollable

Enable Issue Creation

Users will be able to create issues in the table view. Define how the issue creation should behave and predefine values for the newly created field. You can define Project, Issue type and Fields.

JQL functions

Current Issue function can be used to get all sub-task from a parent issue.

Example: parent = currentIssue()

There are two built in JQL functions called customFieldValueFromIssue("", "") 

The JQL function called customFieldValueFromIssue("", "") takes two parameters. The first one is an issue key and the second one is the ID of the custom field. The function returns the value of the custom field in the specified issue.

Example: issueGrid= customFieldValueFromIssue("TEST-2", "10300")


cf[10300] = customFieldValueFromissue("TEST-2", "10300")

If you are using the function currentIssue() inside of these functions; customFieldValueFromIssue("", "") or customFieldValueListFromIssue("", "", ""), the currentIssue() mustn't be between quotation marks ( "" ).