Sync fields both ways
Chaging the value of this vLinks field will set value to the Parent Link, and vice versa.Update Parent Link
Changing the value of this vLinks field will update the value of Parent Link. Changing Parent Link won't update this field.Read value from Parent Link
This vLinks field will show value from Parent Link. Changing this field will not update Parent Link.
User for issue linking actions
Define which user will show up in the activity stream when making changes to a vLinks custom field.
Originator of the action - User who made changes to a field, linked/unlinked issues will show up as the one making the changes. This option is the default option set when creating a vLinks field.
No user - “Anonymous user” will be shown as the one making changes to a vLinks field.
Select a user - Selecting this option will open a “Select a user” dropdown menu. Choose a user that will show up when making changes to a vLinks field.
Easy issue linking dialogue
We’ve created a custom dialogue with checkboxes for easy issue search and multiple selection. Just click on the “+” icon next to any vLinks custom field.
Enable Inline Issue Creation
The issue you are looking for in the vLinks Custom field doesn't exist yet? Now it is possible to create issues out of the Issue View as inline creation.
Enabling autofill for a vLinks field will automatically select issues and insert them into the vLinks field that match the JQL filter of the field. Upon issue creation the vLinks field will be automatically filled in with the amount of issues set in the configuration.
Autofill resync - For already existing issues that a user desires to be autofilled the resync button will fill in the field with issues matching the JQL. This option is available in both the configuration of the field and in front end(issue create/edit) if the option is enabled in the configuration.
JQL Validation
Each selected issue is validated to see if it matches the JQL filter. Example would be copying an issue from one field to another that have different JQL filters. If this option is turned on it will not be possible.
Linked Textfield
Select a single or a multi line text field that will copy summaries from the linked issues to the text field
vLinks Context Configuration