To send a page, click on the 'E-Mail this Page' link, which is located in the top right corner of your page's options menu.
A dialog will appear asking you to select existing users or groups known to Confluence, enter any e-mail address or share the page with others.
Once you've selected all the recipients you want, click on the 'Next'button to continue.
A summary of your entries and a preview of the prepared e-mail will be displayed.
If you are content with the result, than share your page with others by clicking the 'Send' button. new page will open with the e-mail this page settings
Email recipients
Sender E-mail - Define which user will appear as the sender of the email. Domain must be the same as the domain in the SMTP configuration.
E-mail adresses - Enter recipient email adresses, users which will recieve the email.
Confluence Users - Search existing confluence users to be the recipients for the email
Send as BCC - When email is sent as BCC recipients won’t be able to see other recipients of the email.
Include mentioned users - Include users mentioned on the page as recipients of the email
Include users from comments - Include users that commented on the page as recipients of the email.
Advanced options
Subject- Create a custom subject of the email
Include breadcrumbs - In case the page is a child page this option will show all parent pages in the email
Include attachments - Include attachments on the page. Attachments can be manually uploaded or attachments that are copied and pasted on the page.
Add Note - Add a note to the recipient of the email. Note is included on the top of the email.